Second part irish memories - Reisverslag uit Limerick, Ierland van Lai - Second part irish memories - Reisverslag uit Limerick, Ierland van Lai -

Second part irish memories

Door: Lilalai

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Lai

09 Februari 2017 | Ierland, Limerick

So i blended well in the Halpin family. I also blended well in the cow and calves family. And for a non child lover i blended well in the kids family.
For a person who is afraid of animals in general, i was a natural talent in feeding the calves and moving the massive cows. With my magic hands i leaded the cows to one side, moving them away from the entrance gate where their babies were staying. For that I thanked every cow by the numbers in their ear.

The "5" as i talked about in my previous story, are going to be famous now. So pay attention........

The youngest of the "5" is Trish. I call her the explorer!
Trish is an amazing 1,5 year old girl. She is very smiley, knows exactly what she wants. She pulls her self up onto the couch, the chair, the table. She is very curious! She's almost able to put her clothes on her own. If she hears bin, then she will open it for you. She eats everything and also tries everything. She eats whole apples, no wedges, but the whole apple!! She likes tea with milk, she will poor it in herself and uses her 2 hands to drink it.

Then there is Emily, i call her the wildest and the tuffest one. She is only 3 years old and doesn't seem to know when it's freezing, raining or sunny outside. She will wear the same clothes, no matter what! I think she's the only child nowadays that will on purpose jump, run and walk through the pool in front of their house. She's the one and only of the "5", who happens to fall on her knees, over pipelines, from swings and onto her bum in cow shit almost every day and normaliter she doesn't cry.
Her mother told me, that i was going to miss her, why was my answer? She told her mother, that i was her second mama! Aaaaw......

Then we have Oonagh, who's 5 years old. I prefer to call her cry baby. It isn't easy being the middle one, so she needs a lot of attention. She is easily bored and she's very bossy, even though she's denying that. But of course she is also very lovely, sharing her crisps, walking home with me hand in hand and what i've heard she asks every night where i am.

Then there's Padrigh, the only boy of the "5". I call him whaaaaaaaat!
He is 8 and way behind his age i reckon, but what do i know about kids???
He's the tattletale person. He will tell you exact who did what, except his own teasing moments. He is good at doing the things he likes on his own space and he is not interrested in little sisters. The only time i could make him smile, i did a weird dance with my hands and feet, both at the same time. The next day i forgot what move it was though. Oh and he told me that i have a terrible singing voice ;-).

Then there is Katie, the dreamer. A 10 year old girl and the oldest of the "5". She likes reading books and she likes her own space. She doesn't mind to get dirty, but she prefers to work with numbers. Katie told me about the differents between the calves. Angus is black, bull is a man. Heffner is a female and fraissen is the black and white spotted. Angus is good for meat and fraissen good for milk and they drink faster. If the calf is born and the mother has time to lick her calf, the calfs skin will be soft like a washed dog. If the mother and her baby get seperated straight away, the calf will be sticky and has a bad hair day for quite a few days, if it's not weeks.

Finally but not least, there's Patrick, the man of the house. He's the other workaholic. Always day in, day out working at the farm, making sure his cows are giving milk, are being healthy and will breed.

And then finally there is Carmel. The super mama!! She really is a super woman. She is already so busy, that i don't know, how she finds the time to do other things. Early morning waking up the kids, bringing them to school, feeding the calves, making breakfast for the lads at the farm, then either helping a bit on the farm again, or doing grocery, or the laundry, making sure Trish is not digging herself in a bag of flour. Then making dinner, who has to be ready at 14.00pm for the whole family including the farmworkers. Waiting for the kids to get home, then making homework, changing diapers, sewing claire's pants in between. Taking me to the doctor and at 16.00pm feeding the calves again till 19.00/20.00pm then if Katie or Padrigh have sports she will bring them to the next town and then she will prepare supper around 21.00pm. Kids go to bed after, unless they are sleeping already. Oh and i forgot to tell you, that she also had a fulltime job, several weeks ago. She was supervisor of an eye-contacts produce factory. So busy, busy, busy. I forgot cleaning the house, it's old school in that house. Summary: Super Woman!

She's happy though, the children are happy, the man of the house is happy.
One big happy family!! What else do you want or need?

I did ask the super mama, what she would do if she had a day for herself. She answered: "you think i'm lame, but if i was in my house by myself, no one coming in, nothing to do. I would lay on the couch, watching Pride and Prejudice all day long!"

(I was thinking, that's not lame, i do that most of the time)

As a thank you for my help, Carmel, Patrick and the kids took me out for lunch.
They also gave me a card, with lovely written words on it and a money gift. It was a nice gesture, totally unnecessary though!

Proud to be not affraid of massive cows anymore. And proud of myself, that i catched a small bird inside the house with my bare hands, to let it being free again.

  • 28 April 2017 - 19:13


    Oh Lai,
    Ik zie ze allemaal zo voor me door jouw prachtige beeldende karakterbeschrijvingen. Heeeel bijzonder dat je dit mocht meemaken, meewerken in een Iers gezin. Dit vergeet jij nooit meer. En nog 'angsten' voor grote beesten overwonnen ook ! Zou je er geen vrolijk gedicht of stukje poëzie over kunnen schrijven?
    Ben benieuwd naar je volgende verhaal. Groeten, mom Thee

  • 28 April 2017 - 20:01

    Tante Jet:

    Hallo KimLai,
    Ik snap niet alles van engels maar ik wens jou een goeie tijd daar bij de Ieren. En inderdaad, schrijf er een mooie limerick van. Op internet kun je vinden hoe een limerick in elkaar zit.
    Hou het gezond en geniet!!!
    liefs van je tante Jet

  • 30 April 2017 - 13:14


    Great travel log, look forward to the next installment of what Lai does next :)

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Lieve familie, vrienden en geïnteresseerden, Het is bijna zover! Ik ga weer op pad! Natuurlijk willen jullie allemaal weten wat ik doe, wie ik ontmoet en waar ik uithang! Daarom deze site: waar jullie al mijn avonturen kunnen volgen, andere gewoontes/ culturen op kunnen snuiven en mij op de hoogte kunnen houden van jullie doen en laten. Laat wat van je horen! Liefs Lai

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