Dubrovnik and Kotor - Reisverslag uit Dubrovnik, Kroatië van Lai - WaarBenJij.nu Dubrovnik and Kotor - Reisverslag uit Dubrovnik, Kroatië van Lai - WaarBenJij.nu

Dubrovnik and Kotor

Door: lilalai

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Lai

07 Mei 2017 | Kroatië, Dubrovnik

On the 6th of May 2017 i left Mostar behind and took the bus to Dubrovnik. The borders crazy!!! In between Bosnia Herzegovina and Croatia the border had two different patrols at the same time. First a guy came in the bus and checked the passports and took only a few with him. Then he didn’t show himself anymore, from out of the window i saw our bus driver running from one hut to the other hut, but there was no one in the other hut, so the bus driver gave the passports back to the bus passengers. Then another border police came and took all the passports. When the bus carried on again, the bus driver assistant handed out the precious documents with the help of a regular bus passenger. It looked like a game. Who is who? After the checkpoint we had a 20 minute break and straight after the Croatian border after that less then 5 minute drive we got the Montenegro border, who took only a few documents and mine was not included. This time the assistant bus driver didn’t even care about given it back to us, no he gave the game away to two bus passengers. Crazy!!!!
5 hours later i was in Dubrovnik.

I spent one day in Dubrovnik and that was enough. I know Dubrovnik is another old historic town, but i found it way to crowded. The old town was beautiful, but all by all i spent maybe 20 minutes in there. To escape the hectic i walked up the hill. The way up was nice, but the top was nothing special. Of course you can also go by cable car, it’s always like that. Nowadays you don’t need to take any effort to reach a top, when you are visiting a city. But i’ll not cheat, so i walked down as well.

That was my crazy adventure in Dubrovnik Woehoe!!

So next day off to Kotor. My next days i would spent in the Montenegro Kotor hostel, situated in the middle of the old town. I arrived early afternoon and because it was raining i chilled for a bit and in the evening at 17.30pm i went uphill along the ruines of the fortress walls, through the window and up to the fortress. It took me less than an hour to go up. And for a rainy day, i had a perfect sunset up at the fortress. The next 2 days i walked either along the water to the ferry on the other side or up to Lovcen. The days were rainy, but in between the rain i did walk around and see the surroundings of Kotor. I managed to go up to the fortress without paying anything. Normally going up to the fortress would cost 3 euro’s, not much, but still if i could walk up along the walls outside the old town and through the window and then down the stairs, passing payment point that would save me each day 3 euro’s. I do must tell you that i waited as long as possible to go down, so perhaps checking payment point people were not there anymore. But with the rain catching up on me i had to go down, so with an exaggerated hello, i came away with showing my non buying ticket.
The whole old town is slippery dangerous after and during the rain, but the own residents seem to care less. I admire those old people though. I mean pavement is not even in the old town and if i have a hard time walking with my young legs when it’s wet, you can figure out yourself if you’re old and live there.
Oh yeah another fact, if you don’t like cats, or you love them too much, don’t go to Kotor!! Every where there are stray cats, some looked after, more of them dirty, injured, humbling and looking for love.

Bye bye

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